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ANGLES provide two directional support, in hidden or exposed applications. They are typically used as construction supports, edging and bracing. Slots, notches and other holes are often included.
A 101%2014%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20galvanized%20track Angles A-101
1.4″ x 1.9″, A-101 14 gauge roll formed galvanized track
A 102%2028%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stainless%20stiffener Angles A-102
0.1″ x 0.6″, A-102 28 gauge roll formed stainless stiffener
A 103%2022%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stainless%20angle Angles A-103
0.3″ x 0.7″, A-103 22 gauge roll formed stainless angle
A 104%2020%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stainless%20angle Angles A-104
0.8″ x 1.5″, A-104 20 gauge roll formed stainless angle
A 105%20roll%20formed%20aluminum%20angle Angles A-105
0.4″ x 3″, A-105 roll formed aluminum angle
A 107%2016%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stiffener%20angle Angles A-107
0.5″ x 0.8″, A-107 16 gauge roll formed stiffener angle
A 108%2014%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20latch%20plate%20angle%20channel Angles A-108
1.5″ x 3″, A-108 14 gauge roll formed latch plate angle channel
A 109%2016%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20angled%20apron Angles A-109
0.7″ x 1.8″, A-109 16 gauge roll formed angled apron
A 110%2011%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stainless%20angle Angles A-110
1″ x 1″, A-110 11 gauge roll formed stainless angle
A 111%2011%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20stainless%20angle Angles A-111
1.3″ x 1.3″, A-111 11 gauge roll formed stainless angle
A 112%2010%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20angle Angles A-112
0.5″ x 1″, A-112 10 gauge roll formed angle
A 113%2016%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20angle%20with%20holes Angles A-113
0.2″ x 0.6″, A-113 16 gauge roll formed angle with holes
A 114%2014%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20angle%20with%20holes Angles A-114
1.3″ x 1.3″, A-114 14 gauge roll formed angle with holes
A 115%20stainless%20roll%20formed%20angle%20with%20holes Angles A-115
1″ x 1″, A-115 stainless roll formed angle with holes
A 116%2011%20gauge%20roll%20formed%20hot%20rolled%20angle Angles A-116
0.7″ x 0.7″, A-116 11 gauge roll formed hot rolled angle
A 117%2025%20gauge%20galvanized%20roll%20formed%20one%20leg%20batten Angles A-117
0.5″ x 1.5″, A-117 25 gauge galvanized roll formed one leg batten
A 118%20roll%20formed%20aluminum%20starter%20strip Angles A-118
0.5″ x 2.5″, A-118 roll formed aluminum starter strip
A 118%20starter%20strip Angles A-118
unknown size, A-118 starter strip
A 119 16 Gauge Galvanized Angle Angles A-119
16 gauge 1.5″ x 2″ galvanized angle
A 120 16 Gauge Galvanized Angle Angles A-120
16 gauge 1.5″ x 1.5″ galvanized angle
A 121 12 Gauge Galvanized Angle Angles A-121
12 gauge 1.25″ x 1.25″ galvanized angle